Bernadette van Jaarsveld

Hilvertsweg 240, 1214 JP Hilversum, NH Netherlands

See directions

What is your business niche?: ADHD & ASD, Headaches & Migraines, Neurological, Products, Aromatherapy, Products, Natural Skincare, Herbalist & Aromatherapy Combo, Massage Therapist & Aromatherapy Combo, Spa Products, Sport & Yoga

Additional specialties you offer?: Herbalist & Aromatherapy Combo, Massage Therapist & Aromatherapy Combo, Sport & Yoga

Other areas of business: Burn-out specialist

Education: Aromatherapist, Level 1, Aromatherapist, Level 2, Aromatherapist, Level 3, Essential Oil Specialist, Herbalist, Massage, Nutritionist, Skincare Formulator

Schools attended and other Information: FytArom

Social Media Accounts: Facebook (@mooimetmoods)

Languages: Dutch, English, Italian