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Chrissie Lord, DSc RN
19 rue de la Grotte , 53250 Madré, Mayenne France
See route
What is your business niche? : Headaches & Migraines, Pain Management, Products, Aromatherapy, Products, Natural Skincare, Research & Science, Sleep & Insomnia, Herbalist & Aromatherapy Combo, Massage Therapist & Aromatherapy Combo
Additional specialties you offer? : Events (Wedding, Corporate, etc.), Workshops in Person
Education: Aromatherapist, Level 3, Herbalist, Massage, Nutritionist, Skincare Formulator
Schools attended and other Information: Postgraduate
How do you describe yourself in your business (CCA, RN, etc.): Doctor of Nutrition (DSc), RN, ITEC, Aromatherapy, Herbalist
Languages: English & French