Kerry Adams, LPN, CCA
355 Van Crabtree Road , 45648 Lucasville, OH United States of America
What is your business niche? : ADHD & ASD, Allergies, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Article & Blog Writer, Children up to 6, Children 7-12, Children Teens, Headaches & Migraines, Hospice Care, Neuralgia, Pain Management, Products, Aromatherapy, Products, Natural Skincare, Safety of Essential Oils, Sleep & Insomnia
Other areas of business: Palliative, Five Elements, Workshops in Person
Education: Aromatherapist, Level 3, Skincare Formulator
Schools attended and other Information: Aroma Apothecary Healing Arts Academy, Formula Botanica, School of Natural Skincare, NAHA Certified
How do you describe yourself in your business (CCA, RN, etc.): LPN, CCA
Social Media Accounts: Instagram (@earthwellnessaromatherapy) and Facebook (@earthwellnessaromatherapy)
Languages: English