Angie McKain
1700 PA-28, Kittanning, PA 16201
What is your business niche?: Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Article & Blog Writer, Books, published, Children up to 6, Children 7-12, Children Teens, Headaches & Migraines, Integrative Health, Internal Use, Neurological, Pain Management, Pregnancy & Post Partum, Products, Aromatherapy, Products, Natural Skincare, Research & Science, Safety of Essential Oils, Sleep & Insomnia, Spa Products
Additional specialties you offer?: Courses, Workshops in Person, Workshops online
Education: Aromatherapist, Level 3
Schools attended and other Information: Institute for Integrative Aromatherapy, School for Aromatic Studies, Heart of Herbs, New York Institute of Aromatic Studies (now Amy Galper), Tisserand Institute, American College of Healthcare Sciences, Formula Botanica
How do you describe yourself in your business (CCA, RN, etc.): Certified Clinical Aromatherapist / Certified Aromatherapy Teacher